Friday, November 19, 2010


One thing in life we as humans desire the most is to be loved and loved genuinely. We pursue personal relationships hoping that its "the one", and pray that our desires of feeling the love we hear expressed in our favorite secular love songs will manifest in those relationships. But I have a secret to share....well its not really a secret in general, just a secret that the enemy has tried and is often successful of keeping the sincere understanding from us. The secret is God IS Love.

Like I said, not a secret at all, but we have been deceived with understanding the detailed significance of that completely, because time after time we go on serious pursuits to "find" love. We stay in situations that are not healthy for us, because we think it's love. We deal with people and issues that they bring us because we are trying to stay true to what we believe is love. We go back to situations, or try to go back to situations after we have come to the conclusion that this isn't love, hoping that love will have mercy on us and miraculously show up through the hearts of wrong people because we decided to turn around and try it one more time. To be loved, is all we want. To "want" to be loved. STOP!

Psalms 23 starts off with..."The Lord is my Shepard, I shall NOT WANT." Exactly. What are we wanting for? Why are we wanting? And most importantly don't we know that we don't have to want? And going even further, we don't have to "want" love! Why? You guessed it...God is love. Sooooo not a secret though. But let me share the REAL secret. What the true secret is, is that the origin of dissatisfaction, unfulfilled expectations and feelings of sadness or loneliness is the same: a raging hunger for what you cannot see and do not fully know: GOD. Simply put, a true burning desire to be loved is nothing more than hard core evidence of the absence of a sincere intimate relationship with the one, true God. Hmph, tell the truth and SHAME the devil!

What your heart is seeking is not per se "love", yet your heart is seeking and yearning for an intimate relationship with God because GOD IS LOVE. God already loves you. God can't help but love you because that is what He is. LOVE. Therefore God already loves you, yes, let it soak are already loved. He loves you so much he gave His life for you. But not only that, He is seriously concerned about every detail of your life, large or small. If Jesus gave His life for you and for me, why would He not provide lesser things that are for our benefit? He has already done the ultimate task, anything less than that is really a given. He cares about the things you care about, the things I care about no matter how small we think they are. He loves you. He loves you right where you are, He loves me right where I am, He loves us unconditionally right where we are. He is burdened with your burdens, He is burdened with my burdens...He is severely burdened with our burdens. No question or doubt about it, He truly cares for us. He LOVES us.

He is always there ready to lead us on the path we should go. He didn't just love us in sacrifice, but He loves us in our daily life, our struggles, our fears and our mistakes. Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine. He loves you. He can love you. He will love you. Matter of fact, truth be told(about to shame that devil again)...He does, can and will love you BETTER than any man, woman or child ever could. So remember to not only reflect on our love for Him because of what He has done, but also His amazing love for us....BECAUSE!... of what He has done. God IS love and is ready to love you, unconditionally. So if you are ready to be loved, and loved the way you have dreamed, don't seek people, seek GOD. Don't go back to people, go back to God. Don't run after people, run after God. Don't give your heart to people, give it to God. Open your heart now so you can receive the love you've always desired, because He is waiting for you to willingly accept all the love He has specifically reserved for your soul....God IS Love. Receive it, because it is yours.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Two When I Say "I Am a Christian" Poems

There was a poem circulating on the internet, that was alleged to have been written by Maya Angelou titled "When I Say I am a Christian". The poem has been proven to not be the work of Dr. Angelou, and the author of this particular piece is unknown. Nevertheless, it has been identified to have been based on the original poem, When I say "I am a Christian" written by Carol Wimmer in 1988. It is unfortunate that someone would take Mrs. Wimmer's original version and revise it without giving her proper credit. However, I personally find both versions very heartfelt, specific and earnestly essential to what I have found Christian living to be. I will share both versions as they both speak on the essence of what being a Christian truly is.

When I say "I Am a Christian"
by: Carol Wimmer

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!”
I’m whispering, “I get lost!
That’s why I chose this way”

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak with human pride
I’m confessing that I stumble -
needing God to be my guide

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong
I’m professing that I’m weak
and pray for strength to carry on

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success
I’m admitting that I’ve failed
and cannot ever pay the debt

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
asking humbly to be taught

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are far too visible
but God believes I’m worth it

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache
which is why I seek His name

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority
I only know I’m loved

Copyright 1988 Carol Wimmer

"When I say I Am a Christian"
Revision...editing author unknown

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin."
I'm whispering "I was lost,"
Now I'm found and forgiven.

When I say..."I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need CHRIST to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and need HIS strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
but, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain,
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
who received God's good grace, somehow.

Author Unknown...Circa 2006

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Not Personal, It's Spiritual

I read so many things about how we as Christians are quick to get upset when fellow Christians have wronged us or ended relationships. We criticize them for their choosings because we are angry with what they've done. We call them out about what they are doing to other people, never to them personally, and we don't even realize that with this criticism,we are putting ourselves in the same category with them from the opposite end of the judgment spectrum.

What I want us to understand is that we are all at different levels of our faith and spiritual walk, you and the people who you are referencing, so believe it or not, they are struggling with things also. We have to listen to the Holy Spirit for direction. I can't say if they are listening to the spirit or their flesh, but which ever so we probably will never know. But if people decide to walk away from you or if God decides for people to walk away, if it is going to be for the betterment of your spiritual maturity or theirs, then let them walk. No one walking the face of this earth should sacrifice their personal relationship with God, just for the sake of keeping others happy. I can't say to God, "well Father, I would but I can't cause she's going to think I'm being funny". And neither can you, and neither can the person who leaves you.

Sometimes, someone may be advised by the Holy Spirit to disassociate from you. Sometimes, the spirit may advise someone to disassociate from me. There will come a time when the spirit will advise us to disassociate from someone else one day. If God says so, we can't worry what other people will think, nor if its on the receiveing end, get mad at others for being obedient to God. Yes, its all true. It's not personal, it's spiritual.

But trust, God is not going to disassociate someone who has purpose in getting you to your next level of faith. And vice versa. Anyone who walks out of your life is not connected to your destiny. That's not bad, its just what it is. Maybe those people were not called to spiritually guide you, and Lord knows we don't need the wrong people guiding us. Not to say they are wrong people in general, but maybe wrong people for you, your life and your walk, or you're wrong for theirs. Maybe they are wrong with how they went about doing things, but that is still very subjective.

The main thing is, if they happen to go about it in a way that we didn't think was appropriate, we are not supposed to take offense to these things, we are to show compassion and forgive. There is always a twist/difference in what we think and what people believe they need to do. We all make decisions based on what we think is best for us at that time, right? So why do we get so ticked off when people make decisions that they think are best for them? Its really spiritual food for thought if I may say so. Again, as Christians we are not to take offense.

The biggest scheme the enemy has right now is allowing Christians to get offended by other Christians,which ultimately keeps us disconnected and weak as the body of Christ. We are the only religion that I have ever known that will stop serving and walk away from healthy mass worship, church membership, and serving our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ because someone has gotten us upset or offended. How people treat you should not be your business, you just continue to serve God through your actions and treat them right.

We have got to get over this and get over these FEELINGS. Feelings are of the flesh, are not fruits of the spirit and have nothing to do with spiritual things. We ALL are also an imperfection. The bible says that we ALL fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). So no one is perfect, not even mature Christians. So I'm sayin all this to say, if you experience or have experienced situations like this from other Christians, pray for them. It is the best and most effective thing you could ever do for someone. It does change things and also allows you to continue growing in your faith.

Serve God and be thankful for how He treats you more, and worry less about those around you and their actions toward you. We should be more concerned about our Savior who is waiting with open arms for us to run to Him, not who is running from us. Matter of fact, Love them anyway. Remember,we are not called to retaliate, we are called to bless.

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
~James 5:16 KJV

Monday, July 12, 2010

You Don't Know The Cost

I was sitting listening to various songs and I ran across a very powerful song by Cece Winans...Alabaster Box. Now I've heard this song over and over, and have always loved it, but today it just struck me in a different way. Just read some of the lyrics and really see if you can personify them with yourself:

I can't forget
The way life used to be
I was a prisoner
To the sins that had me bound
I spent my days
Poured my life without measure
Into a little treasure box
I thought I had found
Until the day when Jesus came to me
And healed my soul
With the wonders of His love
So now I'm giving back to Him
All the praise He's worthy of
I've been forgiven
And that's why
I love Him so much

Those lyrics really exemplify to me personally of where God has brought me from because those lyrics were "me" in so many ways. If I tried to describe "me" in any other way in hopes to sincerely describe where Jesus has brought me from, I couldn't measure up to how the lyrics have broken "me" down. I was a prisoner to the sins that had me bound, I spent my days pouring my life without measure into a little treasure box I "thought" I had found: UNTIL....hmph!!!!

And I'm sure many people can relate and testify, however I can only really comment on myself. So I say so strongly to everyone, don't be ashamed of where God has brought you from, don't be afraid to give thanks and praise the way you really feel you are being moved to praise. I'm a water-head, and trust me, I will cry at the drop of a hat, I can't tell yall how many times I've had to get myself together in the parking lot of my job because my praise has taken me to a level that I wasn't expecting during a morning commute.

Don't be bashful about expressing to the world how merciful God has been to you and how much you love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is so good, and the even better part is He is not halfway finished with blessing us. I hate to sound cliche', though this statement is so very true when it comes to what God has for us, but THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!! Yall aint feeling me! Sometimes I feel as though if I praised Him a million times a minute, I still couldn't praise Him enough. Don't let people water down your praise, and if they try to, you have lyrics to assist you on how to handle those people.

Simply tell them, "Don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears, And dry them with my hair, You weren't there the night He found me, You did not feel what I felt
When He wrapped His loving arms around me, And you don't know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box."

That is the best way to handle that, because truly when it comes to me, you and them...none of us know what people are going through, what people have overcome and been delivered from, we are literally at war fighting for our physical and spiritual lives so no one honestly can judge anyone else's situation and circumstance. I will be quick to admit to everyone that they don't know what I've gone through... I'll tell anyone, you weren't there the night Jesus found Crystal, you did not feel what I felt when Jesus wrapped His loving arms around don't know the cost of the oil, you don't know the cost of my praise, you don't know the cost of the MY alabaster box.

And you should be confident and so grateful for the love that Christ has so unselfishly poured on, in, and around you to do the same.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reflections of the Most High

This is an article I wrote about a year ago for an online teen girls magazine...Goddess Magazine. I was the contributor for the inspirational "Goddess Within" section. Thought I would share, and feel free to share with other young girls who are struggling with the understanding of how beautiful God truly created them.


I adore mirrors; most girls do. But I mean personally, I absolutely love mirrors. It is hard for me to not look in a mirror if I am near or around one. Mirrors are probably one of the most innovative inventions known to man, especially to women, because it allows us to really see ourselves exactly the way we look at that period and time. And if at that period of time we think we are pretty, it gives us what we believe to be the pretty truth. Now in addition to our pretty moments, more often man made mirrors also show us the natural, the flaws, and the things we may often times try to cover up. The blemishes and imperfections that sometimes can be less than desirable and maybe the things that we have been told are not pretty or cute. A man made mirror can be your friend, or your enemy. It could be your dream or your worst nightmare.

When we are all dolled up, we usually can't stay out of them. We love to look at our beautiful faces, perfectly manicured with all the trimmings of foundation, concealer, lipstick, and liner. And if looking in a large mirror, we twist and turn to see all the angles of the phenomenal completion of a trendy dressed woman. However, on the flip side, sometimes many of us including myself, have no desire to look in one if we fear what is staring back at us is less than what we desire. Needless to say, a man made mirror, at any given moment, can also give us what we believe is the ugly truth. In contrast, it is really not a truth but more so a man made perception. This is the fallacy of what a man made mirror can tell. We quickly forget how no matter what we may look like at whatever time, we are still a reflection of the most high.

God created us in His image...let me say that again...God created us in HIS IMAGE. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14). A masterpiece sculpted by the master of perfection. You are beautiful beyond words. You are so special to God, that when He created you, He set you apart from all the rest. He loves you so much that you are more than a flock of sparrows to Him. (Luke 12:7) What a man made mirror shows, God does not even recognize. What a God made mirror shows, man does not want to recognize. Man does not want to recognize that God sees no flaws, even if and when they are present. We have been trained by worldly standards to think that what we look like is most important, and anything less than perfect is "damaged goods". This, young ladies, is an ultimate untruth. There is nothing on this great earth that God put His hand in and created that was damaged or contains imperfection in His eyes or by His standards.

So I ask you this, what mirror do you have? Whose mirror are you looking in? Is it man's mirror, or is it God's mirror? God's mirror honors no flaws or imperfections because you are perfect, lovely and unique to Him. God’s mirror does not give the reflection of a blemished fallacy because you are a specific reflection of Him. You are indeed a reflection of perfection. And remember, if you are a reflection of Him, the Most High; then well, by the grace of His majesty and dominion, you must be fly.

Song of Solomon 4:7:
7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way. (New Living Translation)